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  • These two states could be next to legalize psychedelics

These two states could be next to legalize psychedelics

For our very first issue, we're covering some exciting news in law reform.

Tricycle Day

Welcome to Tricycle Day.

The psychedelics industry moves fast. We slow it down to Fisher-Price speed, so you don't fall and skin your knee. 😖

For our very first issue, we're covering some exciting news in law reform.

Lawmakers in Illinois and New Hampshire push for legalization

Two more states are inching forward on the path to psychedelic freedom.

That's right. Illinois and New Hampshire are both floating bills that would legalize the possession and use of psychedelics by grown-ass adults.

Let's break down the deets. 👇

New Hampshire

  • The bill: House Bill 328

  • The champion: Republican State Rep. Kevin Verville

  • The contents: Under the bill, "possession or use of a hallucinogenic drug by a person 21 years of age or older shall not be an offense."

  • The loophole(!?): Interestingly, it doesn't specify which hallucinogens would be legalized under the bill. So what do we think... does that include the moldy fruit I forgot about in my crisper? 🤔

Moldy Fruit

On second thought, this should stay illegal. 🤮


  • The bill: Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens (CURE) Act

  • The champion: Democratic State Rep. La Shawn Ford

  • The contents: If passed, the bill would establish a regulated psychedelic therapy program and psilocybin advisory board under the Illinois Department of Health. It would also remove criminal penalties for psilocybin.

  • The bonus(!!): The bill would expunge the records of past offenses related to the possession of psilocybin, psilocin, and related paraphernalia. 🙌

Oprah Screaming

You get expunged!

So what does this all mean?

If things go smoothly, legal shrooms won't just be for crunchy states like Oregon and Colorado anymore. And with growing support for the medical use of psychedelics, you can bet more states will follow the lead of Illinois and New Hampshire in the coming years.

Still, it's important to know that as long the FDA keeps psychedelics designated as Schedule I controlled substances, they're still illegal under federal law. 👮‍♀️❌

This gray area creates confusion. Technically, the feds can still crack down on residents of states where psychs have been decriminalized.

And doing business, especially across state lines, is extra hairy. So don't expect Hershey's to roll out "magic" candy bars any time soon.

Willy Wonka

Did someone say shroom chocolate? 🤤

But when push comes to shove, we believe in the little guy here at Tricycle Day. Who you got in a showdown between Uncle Sam and the Granite State?

Our money's on New Hampshire. With a state motto like "Live Free or Die," how could you bet against them? (Illinois, you better step up your game.)

Live Free or Die

What I demanded from my ego and the number of times it clapped back.

That's all for today! If you're picking up what we're putting down, share this newsletter with all your friends. New subscribers make us trip! 😵‍💫

DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. The use, possession, and distribution of psychedelic drugs are illegal in most countries and may result in criminal prosecution.


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